Whoa! I Can't Believe Indian Mallow (Atibala) That Fight Disease

Abutilon Indicum also called Indian mallow in English and Atibala in Hindi is actually an Indian medicinal plant used in Ayurveda. The plant is native to Old World tropics—south Asia and Southeast Asia and sometimes cultivated as an ornamental. It is a small shrub in the Malvaceae family.

Whoa! I Can't Believe Indian Mallow (Atibala) That Fight Disease

It is a medicinal plant with showy golden-yellow flowers and used in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani system of medicine for preparation of many medicines.

Traditionally, all parts of plant are used for medicinal purpose. It is beneficial in general debility, nervous disorders, headache, muscular weakness, heart diseases, bleeding disorders and paralytic disorders.

Whoa! I Can't Believe Indian Mallow (Atibala) That Fight Disease

Atibala Benefits

Ayurvedic Health benefits of Indian mallow

1. Fever: Make infusion of the Indian mallow leaves. Drink it two times a day.

2. Epilepsy: Chew 1 leaf of Indian mallow twice a day.

3. Antimicrobial: Take few leaves and root of Indian mallow. Crush them to extract its juice. Take 1 tsp of it once a day.

4. Anti hepato-toxic: Extract leaf juice of Indian mallow. Take 1 tsp of it once a day. It is very beneficial for Liver. Therefore cure various Liver Diseases.

5. Ulcers: Make leaf decoction of Indian mallow. Drink 20 ml of it once a day.

6. Abscess: Crush few leaves of Indian mallow. Apply them over infected Skin.

7. Expectorant: Powder the seeds of Indian mallow. Take quarter tsp of it twice a day.

8. Ascaris: Burn the seeds of Indian mallow. Expose the rectal area of children over fumes of seeds.

9. Muscular weakness: To improve the strength of the muscles, use the juice prepared from the roots of the Indian mallow plant.

10. Nervous disorders: For people suffering from nervousness and nervous disorders, the decoction of the root of Indian mallow helps.

11. Headache: Have the tea prepared from the roots of the Indian mallow to have relief from a headache.

12. Hemiplegia: Those suffering from paralysis of the body will benefit by having the preparations made from the Indian mallow tree.

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