Cough, Sore Throat Can Be Cured In Just 24 Hours From Papaya Flower - Learn How Here

We all are aware of the health benefits of papaya. But not many of us know that the flowers and leaves of papaya are equally healthy.

Cough, Sore Throat Can Be Cured In Just 24 Hours From Papaya Flower - Learn How Here

Papaya flower has very high nutritional value. These flowers have been used to control a number of ailments by our forefathers. After consumption of flowers a significant change has been seen in the levels of insulin in diabetic patients.

Cough, Sore Throat Can Be Cured In Just 24 Hours From Papaya Flower - Learn How Here

These flowers can stabilise high blood pressure; prevent heart diseases and many other ailments. After consumption of the flowers, patients noticed a remarkable improvement in themselves.

It is beneficial to include papaya flowers in diet occasionally to avail its benefits specially those who have health problems.

The male papaya flower is used for consumption as it is high in nutritional value. Though they have bitter taste still there are variety of recipes that are being cooked deliciously and eaten as vegetable and side dish. The bitterness is often reduced by soaking them in tamarind water, salt water or cooked along with cassava leaves.

Cough, Sore Throat Can Be Cured In Just 24 Hours From Papaya Flower - Learn How Here

  • The first and foremost, benefit of these flowers is to control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
  • These flowers contain Vitamin A, C, E and folate with anti-oxidant properties that prevent cholesterol and oxidation.
  • Extracts from the flowers mixed with honey is used to treat respiratory problems such as cough and hoarseness of throat.
  • A concoction is prepared by pouring a glass of hot water over a handful of flowers and then a spoon full of honey is added. 
  • After cooling one spoonful, it is administered three or four times a day. This gives instant relief.

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