Health Benefits Of Red Roselle That'll Amaze You

Hibiscus sabdariffa, or Roselle, is a shrub belonging to the Malvaceae family. In Iran, it is typically known as sour tea. In English-speaking countries, Roselle is called Red Sorrel.

Health Benefits Of Red Roselle That'll Amaze You

Originally from Africa and Carribean countries like West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, it is now commonly cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world particularly in India and Southeast Asia. Roselle has been used as a therapeutic plant for centuries.

Traditionally, it treats toothaches, urinary tract infections, colds, and even hangovers. In Senegal, roselle juice extracted from leaves is used to treat conjunctivitis and, when pulverized, soothes sores and ulcers.

Health Benefits Of Red Roselle That'll Amaze You

Health Benefits Of Red Roselle That'll Amaze You

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